Determining Students Preparation for College Entrance Examinations in Indonesia From Twitter Data Using Exploratory Data Analysis

  • Kartika Maulida Hindrayani UPN "Veteran" Jatim
  • Tresna Maulana F
  • Prismahardi Aji R
  • Kartini
Keywords: College Entrance Examination, Twitter, Exploratory Data Analysis, Educational Data


Nowadays, educational data can be learned not only for those in Education but also in Information Technology. This happened because education and technology can no longer be separated. Senior high school graduates will take College Entrance Examination to be admitted to public institutions in Indonesia. Sometimes, they share their progress, target, and complain on social media. In this research, we collected data from Twitter. We explore the data to determine student's preparation using Exploratory Data Analysis. The results are positive words in both English and Indonesia, word count, word cloud, and geographical data plot.
